PS5 or Xbox Series X. What Should you get?

These new Next Gen Consoles are now available and a big question for console owners is, “which one should I buy?” Well, there are many differences in these two consoles so let’s dive right in!

Major Differences

For all the differences in these gaming consoles, there are actually quite a few similarities. For example, both consoles cost the same amount of money, 499$. Also, the online memberships, PS Plus and Xbox Live, cost the same per month or per year.

Now let’s get in to the differences. If you’re in to Microsoft games like Minecraft, it would be better to buy an Xbox Series X. I was able to buy Minecraft on the PS5 through my phone PS5 app, but it was a lot harder than getting it through the Xbox should be.

On the other hand, Playstation games like Miles Morales is only available on the PS5, and there is no way to download it on the Xbox Series X.

Also, the PS5 has 825GB of storage while the Xbox Series X has 802GB.

It’s not just games that are different though, another big difference is the controllers. The controllers look somewhat alike but the Thumbsticks are in different places. For the PS5, they are both in the middle, but for the Xbox Series X, there is one in the top left, and one in the bottom right. If you are serious about gaming and think that the placement of the Thumbsticks are vital, keep this in mind.

In pictures, the Xbox Series X and the PS5 look around the same hight, but in reality, that’s not the case. The PS5 stands 15.4 inches tall, while the Xbox Series X only stands 5.9 inches. I actually flipped my PS5 on to its side because of how much space it was taking. If you don’t have much room in your house, the Xbox Series x is probably the way to go.

Alternate versions

If you’re just looking for a console to play on and don’t need all the fancy stuff, take a look at these alternate models. For Xbox Series X we have the Xbox Series S and for the PS5 we have the PS5 Digital version.

Xbox Series s

The Xbox Series S is worth 300$ and is the less powerful version of the Xbox Series X. It has 364GB of storage, significantly less than the Series X. It also has less processing power, meaning games may run slower or be a bit more laggy. Despite this, it’s still a strong console and it certainly has enough storage to run and update several games. If you’re looking to save 200$, this is the way to go.

PS5 digital Version

This console is 400$ and has the exact same processing power and storage and the PS5. The only difference is that there is no disc slot in the side of the console, meaning you can’t put in BlueRay discs and the games you buy have to be through the PS5 shop in the console or through the Playstation Website or App on your phone or computer. You can still watch things like Disney Plus and other digital programs on it. (assuming you have bought the membership to Disney Plus, ext.) 

wrapping up

In the end, it really comes down to what company you like more. Sony, or Microsoft. Hopefully this was helpful if you were trying to find a good gaming console to play on. Thanks for reading! This has been Noah, signing off.

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